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Larne Ladies Section 2021 - 22

Welcome to Larne RFC and the ladies’ section.
Larne RFC is delighted to have your
daughter here on our pitches, learning new skills, making new friends and enjoying it.

Tuesday 6.30pm – 7.45pm and in July this will extend to 8.00pm
Covid health declaration form must be filled in prior to every training session.

Additional Training:
• Minis P1 to P7 is Saturday morning.
• Minis P6 also train on a Monday night at 6.30pm – 7.30pm.
• U18s – other clubs have offered joint training Ophir RFC at UUJ, Carrickfergus RFC and Ballyclare RFC – so exploring this.
• U14s to U18s – considering a second session per week at Larne RFC.
• U12s – if there is enough interest a second session could be held at the club.

Girls Age Categories 2021/22Year of BirthAnnual Membership Fees
Under 12s2009 or 2010 £50
Under 14s 2007 or 2008 £55
Under 16s 2005 or 2006 £55
Under 18s 2003 or 2004 £55
Seniors (18+) Before 2002 £60


Larne RFC membership – membership for the incoming year can be paid anytime from June to September, with full payment received by 30 September 2021.
We do offer a family membership with discount if there is more than one family member from the same household. This commences at 10% discount for a 2nd family member, 15%, for a 3rd family member, 20% for a 4th family member...

We would encourage at least one parent to become an associate member (£50), which enables use of the gym, squash court and discount at the bar. (We will accept part payments for membership until fees are fully paid up by 30 September 2021.) Please use the following link to complete the membership and pay fees:
Larne Ladies Membership Form

IRFU registration

All players in any rugby club in N Ireland and Ireland must register with IRFU. This can commence after 1 July 2021 for the incoming season 2021/22 and there is no charge. Details to follow in due course.

We use facebook and two WhatsApp groups (one for parents and one for girls) and have sought consent from you to add your name, number and upload photos.

If you are happy for us to add your daughter’s number to the girls’ WhatsApp group please provide me her number. Contact details as per above.


The club uses BLK for our clothing. A variety of items are available and can be purchased by contacting:

- Stephen Brownlees (Minis Convenor = 07824 564065) for minis sizes or
- Stephen Johnston (Senior Player and Public Relations = 07710 227445) for all other items and sizes.

The girls will require a playing kit which consists of a playing top, white club shorts and striped club socks. We will be wearing the same kit as the mini’s girls, and will be placing an order soon for arrival by mid-September 2021.

All girls from P4 upwards will require a gum shield.

5. Give It A Try – (GIAT) Programme 2021

Larne RFC has been approved to run this programme.
It consists of eight weeks training aimed at 8-14 year olds, who hopefully after the 8 weeks will join Larne Ladies. This will be held during usual training on a Tuesday, so we aim to advertise in advance, with the first session to take place on 27 July.

Spread the word and girls can bring their friends. More information will be sent out nearer the time.


Rugby is a contact sport and players may get a bump to the head. Please see link below for info:


Currently the girls are learning the game, the rules and how to enjoy rugby and safely. We hope to organise some touch or tag games at this stage and later will introduce more skills as we move through the summer; and from September it is likely that club blitz/tournaments will commence.

Age groups usually looking to make a team of 7, 10, 12, 15, depending on availability. As not all clubs have high numbers of girls in all age groups, sometimes neighbouring teams will join together to form one team. We will keep you informed as events are arranged.


Always a necessity to pay the bills, maintain the pitches, running of club, insurance etc. as club membership fees are just not enough. All sections in the club try to fund raise. Previously the girls were very successful with Asda Bag Pack, Quiz nights, Tipsy tea party and a few other events. So we need to get this off the ground again. All ideas welcome.

The Club would also like to increase social functions across the year, including birthday parties, dinner events, comedy nights etc.

50:50 CLUB

Larne RFC runs a 50:50 club. This is part of the fundraising by the club to help with running the club, insurance costs and maintenance of pitches etc. It is £10 per month and this consists of a draw at each monthly general committee meeting. Each member of the 50:50 club is allocated a number and two numbers are drawn, 1st prize last month was £240 and 2nd prize was £140. Therefore, the more members, the more money in the pot. If you would be interested in joining please follow these instructions:

(a) Set up the Standing Order from your bank to be sent to
Larne RFC sort code 95-03-51 Acc no 01025007
[add name eg JoeBloggs50:50, and then date for the start of each month]

(b) Send email to draw coordinator William Nelson at to say
that you have entered the draw. Entry will also signify you agree to the terms and
conditions of the draw. A full copy of these is available to view using the following link
to the Club website:


• We currently hold a pre-match lunch when senior men’s 1st team are playing at home. This is open to all members to come along for lunch and watch the match.
• The club has been approached by EqualityPeriod NI and we have agreed to join this programme – this is to raise awareness of period poverty, reduce the stigma of periods and promote that sport can continue during menstruation. Larne RFC will ensure that sanitary products are free and readily available at the club for the girls in the main ladies WC and also those at the squash court.


• It boosts her self esteem.
• It teaches her just how powerful her own unique body can be, with positions requiring size and strength equally as important as those which test speed and agility.
• It is an all-welcoming sport and she becomes part of a team.
• She will learn the importance of hard work - players have to run, tackle, sprint, ruck, scrum, pass, kick, and a whole host of other skills depending on the position. Learning to play rugby means learning how to work hard, and to always give 110%.
• It teaches a whole range of disciplines and life skills that will be with her throughout her life.
• It promotes camaraderie and long-term friendships.

Some links:

Larne RFC would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you all throughout the summer and incoming season.

Best wishes and enjoy the season!

Larne RFC